Monday, March 21, 2016


It's been a minute since Dr. D1RTY posted an update but never fear the Doctor has been busy and he has news to report. First and foremost, Dr. D1RTY was fortunate enough to have his demo played on the actual Juggalo Show on Psychopathic Radio on March 10, 2016!!!
This was a dream come true because Psychopathic Records is the ONLY label that Dr. D1RTY wants to be involved with AND Psychopathic Records is the ONLY label that the Doctor has solicited his demo.
I got to give a big WHOOP WHOOP to Rude Boy, Kevin Gill and all the Juggalos & Juggalettes in the Chatroom that night for giving me props and love. Hearing my shit played on Psychopathic Radio was the bomb! I was so excited that I ended up calling in to the show making an ass out of myself. Dr. D1RTY can't wait for that show to get uploaded to the archives so he can relive that shit over and over again.
So here's the track that got played first on the air that night; The Clown Song from the Dr. D1RTY demo album 'Dirty Creep Step.' Check out the video I put together for it on youtube right HERE or in the post below.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Faygo Taste Test COTTON CANDY - Dr. D1RTY

Cotton Candy Faygo Taste Test
Dr. D1RTY checks out one of the newest flavors of Faygo; Cotton Candy. Some of you Juggalos that are as old as me may remember that the ICP tried to get their own flavor of Faygo way back in like '99 or 2000. However, the Faygo brand could not associate themselves directly with Insane Clown Posse or Psychopathic Records. Now, almost 20 years later, this Cotton Candy Flavor appears. This is probably the closest thing to an Insane Clown Flavor that we're going to get. I'm surprised there isn't an image of clown on the bottle. Oh well, I digress.
Cotton Candy Faygo Taste Test
What Faygo Flavor should I try next? I'm thinking it's going to be either Candy Apple or Black Cherry.
What's your favorite flavor of Faygo?
What's your least favorite flavor of Faygo?

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Bill Cosby: The Psychopathology of an Accused Serial Rapist

Just a few hours ago, Bill Cosby was arraigned in a Pennsylvania court and formally charged with sexual assault. This comes after multiple allegations from many, many women with accusations dating back to the 1960's. However, the arraignment on Dec. 30, 2015 stems from an accusation of sexual assault from 2004.
The 2004 case did not result in a criminal trial due to insufficient evidence (although a civil case was settled in 2006). But now, due to the magnitude of allegations being levied at Cosby, a judge ordered that Bill Cosby's sworn deposition from the case be un-sealed. According to several internet news outlets Cosby revealed in his deposition that he used prescription drugs (quaaludes) in order to have sex with women.
Rather than speculate on the guilt or innocence of the accused, I would like to propose that we take a hypothetical look at the allegations. Specifically, I would like to examine the possibility that the allegations may offer us some insight into the psychopathology of serial rapists. 
It is widely speculated that Bill Cosby has been able to use his fame and fortune to silence many accusers in the past. However, Cosby did not possess the vast amount of wealth, fame or influence in the 1960's to silence his victims as he could in the 1980's and subsequent decades. At most, he may have been protected by his managers as well as the producers certain television programs in which he starred in the 1960's. This shows that he may have developed a pattern of deviant sexual behavior that he refined over several decades. It would not be out of the realm of possibility to speculate that the accused has been engaging in this sexual deviance for years prior to even the earliest allegations. 
In essence, if we hypothesize that the allegations dating back to the 1960's are true then we can see a victimizer that needs to have power, dominance and control over his sexual partners in order to be sexually aroused; a sexual deviant that has engaged in a long history of molestation, rape and assault of non-consenting partners. His partners would be nothing more than objects for his own personal enjoyment. The objectification of the victims coupled with the need for dominance is disturbing in that it reveals a psychotic personality disorder. 

The following is from Psychology Today:
"Psychopaths are unable to form emotional attachments or feel real empathy with others, although they often have disarming or even charming personalities. Psychopaths are very manipulative and can easily gain people’s trust. They learn to mimic emotions, despite their inability to actually feel them, and will appear normal to unsuspecting people. Psychopaths are often well educated and hold steady jobs. Some are so good at manipulation and mimicry that they have families and other long-term relationships without those around them ever suspecting their true nature."

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

004 DEMO Track List + Youtube Links

Dr. D1RTY presents 'DIRTY CREEP STEP'. Eight (8) tracks of wicked electronic dance music:
1. Creep Large
2. .44 Killer
3. The Darkest Rhythm
4. Tortured Spirits
5. Mil Gritos
6. Dead Beat
7. Thorazine
8. Escape From NY
Each track from the demo has been uploaded to YouTube. Please visit Dr. D1RTY’s channel on YouTube HERE.

The promotional video on YouTube can be watched at featuring the first track CREEP LARGE. Demo cd's and other promotional materials are available at

Download the entire track CREEP LARGE here: DOWNLOAD 320kbs 15.8 MB

The Doctor introduces the Creep-Step. His own brand of electronic dance music.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


The 'DIRTY CREEP STEP' demo by Dr. D1RTY is complete. Eight (8) tracks total of wicked electronic dance music. BASS. BEATS. SAMPLES. SYNTHETIC NOISE. The Doctor will begin uploading the tracks immediately. The promotional video on youtube can be watched at featuring the first track CREEP LARGE. Demo cd's and other promotional materials are available at
Download the entire track CREEP LARGE here: DOWNLOAD 320kbs 15.8 MB
The Doctor introduces the Creep-Step. His own brand of electronic dance music.

Monday, December 14, 2015

002 Research Subject Log 001

The subject exhibited symptoms of discomfort, irritation, nausea and vertigo.

Dr. D1RTY was able to play most of the tracks from the Dirty Creep Step demo for an unsuspecting listener. Each track was played one after another without interruption or discussion. The volume was too loud. Please note, the promotional video from youtube was playing on a loop as well.
The subject expressed enjoyment and admiration at first. However, after the fifth track from the demo the subject began to report discomfort. A combination of nausea and dizziness overcame the subject.
Dr. D1RTY believes that the rhythms, synthetic noise and sampled dialogue in combination with the flashing visuals of the promo video induced a dissonant effect in the subject. The nausea increased into vertigo until the subject requested to leave the room and lie down.
A debriefing did not occur. After lying on a sofa for 35 minutes the subject returned and could only state that "Your voodoo beats done grabbed hold of me." The Doctor did not attempt to correct the subject on the fundamental differences between Voodoo Beats and Creep Step.
Dr. D1RTY plans to investigate this phenomena further on larger groups of subjects.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


17 Murders, Cannibalism, Sex with the Dead.
The first track from Dr. D1RTY's Demo 'Dirty Creep Step'
Download the track CREEP LARGE here: DOWNLOAD 320kbs 15.8 MB
The Doctor introduces the Creep-Step. His own brand of electronic dance music.
Horror, Terror, Dance.